aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Lord of pots and pans and things

In the middle of cooking last night, I was surprised at the church by a pair of meetings I'd forgotten: Patrol Leaders Council and Troop Committee. Those are important, but they always take forever. Which meant that it was after ten o'clock before I could start my roux for the gumbo. After that, I still had to strain and bottle my chicken stock (all four gallons of it).

My roux isn't as dark as I'd like it, but it's done. I finally got to bed around 12:30. Woke up just after six this morning and got up, but then settled into the big recliner for another hour of nappage. I feel as ready to face the day as I'm going to.

Gotta clean up the church kitchen (which is a mess), pack up myself, my gear, hit a couple of stores on the way out of town and be at camp by, say, 2:00. Then it'll be time to start cookin'. Latest word on attendance is 469 registered participants plus staff, which probably means we'll be feeding about 520. Dining hall seats 200, so we'll have to do three seatings for the Feast -- or figure out where else we can feed people.

I'm glad that the antibiotics are working. I should be able to get through the weekend. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. My prayer is that I can handle everything with the serenity of Brother Lawrence, the great spiritual guide. You may not be aware that Brother Lawrence's actual job was to be the abbey cook. He was not great in anything but holiness. He called himself, "Lord of pots and pans and things."

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