aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

The Plan for 2012

I weighed 244 this morning after my bath. Not as bad as I feared, but still plenty heavy. The good news is that I only need to lose upwards of 20 pounds to make Philmont's weight requirement for me (233 clothed, in stocking feet). But to be really honest, I need to lose 10-20 pounds more than that, and stay there.

Deanne got me a month's trial membership at the Fitness Club up the street, so I went up there and got all signed in. The advantages are 24-hour access and a weather-proof place to exercise. The disadvantages are the usual: time, stress, distractions . . .

Anyway, if it looks like I'm going to make use of the Fitness Club, I'll buy a year's membership in a week or two, once I get settled in. Meanwhile, I'm mostly attracted to their treadmills and ellipticals. I need to walk, strenuously walk. Regularly.

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