aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Edge of Winter

I finally made it over to Wilderstead yesterday. Everything was in good shape. Took a little walk across the creek. Then I pushed on to the north edge of Cincy. Went by Jungle Jim's and got all the stuff I needed there (especially the bangers for the Crew campout). Went to Bass Pro next, and was rather disappointed with what was on offer. Didn't find what I was looking for.

By this time, it was getting dark and I was shaky-tired from all the driving of the day. So, I went back out to the holler instead of driving home. Built a cozy fire and worked on Philmont stuff. Went to bed earlier than my wont.

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Outdoors, it was still as black as the inside of a cow, but the clock said it was pushing 7, so I stayed up. Lit the lantern and got the space heater going. Made coffee. I had everything cleaned up and all chores done and I was heading for the gate by 8:00. Got back to E-ville before 11:00.

The picture accompanying this post was taken in the gray early light this morning. The creek constantly remakes itself, cutting and filling now this way, now that. After excavating a new pool above the big one, the creek has deposited the rocks in such a way to make a new little cataract -- the third above the ford below my property. It was splashing and spouting this morning. I could even see the flash of light on it from the cabin.

New cataract on the Pishon New cataract on the Pishon Early morning after a night's rain


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