aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Windy day

Just before our noon Bible study today, someone asked me if I had a tent that had gotten away from me. I went outside and there, stuck in the handrail of the steps leading from the upper parking lot to the lower one was a blue 2-pole dome tent with an orange fly on its side.

I remembered seeing this particular tent somewhere up the hill where Sassy and I go walking, but I couldn't remember which yard it was in. Anyway, we were getting ready for lunch, so I went and got some extra tent stakes out of my garage and staked the tent out in the church side yard.

As we were leaving Bible study a couple of hours later, the tent had moved again. It was now up amongst the line of cars facing the prayer garden. It had slipped three of the stakes and dragged the other one. This time, I simply took the tent down, rolled it up, and stashed it in my garage until I can figure out what to do with it.

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