Finally, I looked at a picture of Conway posing with his guitar. Don't know if he was supposed to be playing Fareweel Regality in that picture, but I noticed that his capo was up four frets. I translated the chords I was given to that key, then changed it down two frets where I would be most comfortable playing it, and behold! I heard it right as I strummed it. (He was singing the song in the key of E, as it turns out, so if I play in D with the capo up 2, I'm right on it.)
I went to my FB and started playing the youtube of Conway singing and playing the song, and I was in the correct key. As I played along with him, I found where the transcribed chords I was working from were not as he played them. By the time I'd played it through with him three times, I could accompany and sing the song more or less as he does. I corrected my copy of the chords, and now I can add this'un to my repertoire.
I am one proud and happy geetar scrubber.